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Install brackets on Ubuntu

Install brackets on Ubuntu 20.04

In today’s article, we will review how to install brackets on Ubuntu 20.04. Brackets is a modern text editor that makes designing easy from a web browser. Table of Contents Introduction Brackets...
Install Komodo Editor on CentOS8

Install Komodo Editor on CentOS8

In this tutorial, we will install Komodo Editor on CentOS8. Granted, it can be installed on any Linux distribution (rpm-based or Debian distro). However, we will demonstrate the installation process using...
Building a docker registry

Build Your Own Docker Registry

In this tutorial, you will learn the process involved with building a docker registry. As part of this process, we will set up a web GUI for our registry. The featured image suggests a focus on CentOS8....
Install gedit on CentOS7

Install Gedit on CentOS7

In this tutorial, we will install gedit on CentOS7. We are going to use yum for the installation so it’s a straightforward process. The same procedure works for installing gedit on a Red Hat Enterprise...