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Create and Export an NFS Server

Create and Export an NFS Server in Linux

NFS or Network File System is a commonly known method for network file sharing on Linux hosts. We will create and export an NFS server. Table of Contents Introduction In this article, we will...
Install MySQL on CentOS

Install MySQL on CentOS7 or RHEL7

Unlock the power of relational databases and streamline your data management processes by discovering how to easily install MySQL on CentOS – a must-know skill for any aspiring data professional! Table...
mkdir command examples

Basic mkdir command examples in Linux

In this article, we’ll cover the mkdir command, which stands for make directories, and review basic mkdir command examples. Table of Contents Introduction David Mackenzie authored the mkdir...
Automating changes using Ansible

Write a play automating changes to the SSHD Configuration file

In today’s Ansible series, we will learn about automating changes using Ansible. Specifically, we will automate changes to the sshd config file. Table of Contents Introduction In this exercise,...