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Kubernetes Cluster on Ubuntu

Install a Kubernetes Cluster on Ubuntu 20.04

In today’s article, we will review the step-by-step process involved with a Kubernetes cluster install on Ubuntu server version 20.04. However, this procedure will work with later version of Ubuntu...
Installing and using Gitlab CE on Ubuntu

Installing and using Gitlab CE on Ubuntu 20.04

In this article, we will examine installing and using Gitlab on Ubuntu server version 20.04. Gitlab community edition or Gitlab CE can be installed by simply using apt install. Table of Contents Introduction...
Install Ubuntu desktop on KVM

Installing Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 on KVM

In this tutorial, we will review how to install Ubuntu desktop on KVM. For this particular demonstration, we will examine version 20.04 of the operating system or Focal Fossa as it’s commonly known...
Install brackets on Ubuntu

Install brackets on Ubuntu 20.04

In today’s article, we will review how to install brackets on Ubuntu 20.04. Brackets is a modern text editor that makes designing easy from a web browser. Table of Contents Introduction Brackets...