Host Your Own Podman Registry

Host your own Podman repository

In this guide, we’ll explore how to host your own Podman repository, empowering you with greater control over your container images.

Table of Contents


In the continuously evolving realm of containerization, tools such as Podman have become indispensable for both developers and system administrators. As an alternative to Docker gains momentum, efficient management of container images emerges as a pivotal concern. While platforms like Docker Hub effectively fulfill their roles, circumstances arise where establishing your repository becomes imperative, driven by considerations of security, compliance, or performance.

Why Host Your Own Podman Repository?

Before delving into the how-to, let’s briefly touch on the why. Hosting your Podman repository offers several benefits:

  • Enhanced Security: By hosting images internally, you reduce reliance on external repositories, mitigating security risks associated with untrusted sources.
  • Compliance: Certain industries necessitate strict compliance requirements, making it imperative to manage container images within controlled environments.
  • Performance: Locally hosted repositories typically offer faster image pulls, especially in bandwidth-constrained or air-gapped environments.
  • Customization: You have full control over image versions, access controls, and metadata, facilitating tailored solutions for your specific needs.


  • Operating System: Verify that you have a compatible operating system installed. Podman is primarily designed for Linux distributions. Ensure that your system is running a supported version of CentOS, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, or another Linux distribution.

  • Root or Sudo Access: You’ll need root or sudo access to install packages and configure system settings. Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to perform administrative tasks on your system.

  • Podman Installation: Install Podman on your system if it’s not already installed. Podman is a container management tool similar to Docker but designed to run without a daemon, making it suitable for use in environments with strict security requirements.

We’ve configured our Linux server with the following settings:

IP address192.168.1.199
Operating System
Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS

Host Your Own Podman Repository: Step-by-Step Guide

Several repository solutions are compatible with Podman, including Docker Distribution (commonly referred to as Docker Registry), Nexus Repository, and Harbor. For this guide, we’ll use podman’s built-in registry. Ok. Let’s dive into the process!

Establish a Location for the Registry

To begin, you’ll need to create a directory where the repository will reside. Start by logging into your CentOS machine, then execute the following command:

					$ sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/registry

Now that the directory is established, it’s time to initiate the deployment of the local registry. This process is simplified with the assistance of Podman. We’ll utilize the'--privileged' flag, which instructs the engine to initiate the container launch without imposing additional security constraints and to refrain from granting any additional privileges beyond those possessed by the process launching the containers.

The command for deploying the registry is as follows:

					$ sudo podman run --privileged -d --name registry -p 5000:5000 -v /var/lib/registry:/var/lib/registry --restart=always registry:2

The provided command should execute without encountering any issues. Additionally, the podman images and podman ps commands won’t display status information since you executed the command with sudo, which grants root user privileges.

Now, we can proceed to configure the Podman registries.conf file to inform it about the existence of a repository hosted on the local machine. To accomplish this, open the file for editing using your favorite text editor. We’ll use vim and issue the following command:

					$ sudo vim /etc/containers/registries.conf

On Linux-based distributions (RHEL/CentOS/Fedora):

In that file, look for the following entry (below) or add it:

					registries = []

Modify that line as follows:

					registries = ['localhost:5000']

On Debian-based distributions (Ubuntu/Debian):

location = "localhost:5000"

What we have accomplished is setting the registry address to localhost and specifying the port as 5000. Once you’ve made the changes, save and exit the file. Then, restart Podman using the following command:

					$ sudo systemctl restart podman

Prepare an Image for the New Registry

Let’s put this to the test using the reliable and official NGINX image. However, if you’ve already prepared your own images, feel free to bypass the NGINX retrieval step and proceed directly to tagging your custom image for pushing. For those who haven’t created their own images yet, let’s illustrate the process using the official NGINX image.

Retrieve the NGINX image by executing the following command:

					$ sudo podman pull

Prior to pushing the NGINX image to the registry, we’ll customize it to create our own version. To start, launch a container using the freshly downloaded image with the following command:

					$ sudo podman run --name nginx-template-base -p 8080:80 -e TERM=xterm -d nginx

Once the container deploys, there are a couple of ways you can access the running container (Note the Container ID and Name):

					$ sudo podman ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                           COMMAND               CREATED        STATUS            PORTS                 NAMES
2d312d5ec7f6  nginx -g daemon o...  4 seconds ago  Up 3 seconds ago>80/tcp  nginx-template-base


Method #1

You can access the container using the following command and its name (nginx-template-bash):

					$ sudo podman exec -it nginx-template-base bash


Method #2

You can access the container using the following command and its CONTAINER ID (2d312d5ec7f6 – yours will differ):

					$ sudo podman exec -it 2d312d5ec7f6 bash

Push Image to the New Registry

Now, let’s install the following packages (vim, nano, build-essential, and php):
					root@2d312d5ec7f6:/# apt update; apt upgrade; apt install -y vim nano build-essential php
Exit the container to proceed:
					root@2d312d5ec7f6:/# exit
Save the modifications to the container, resulting in the creation of a new image, using the following command:
					$ sudo podman commit YOUR_CONTAINER_ID nginx-template
					$ sudo podman commit 2d312d5ec7f6 nginx-template
					Getting image source signatures
Copying blob ceb365432eec skipped: already exists  
Copying blob 84619992a45b skipped: already exists  
Copying blob 3137f8f0c641 skipped: already exists  
Copying blob 7d52a4114c36 skipped: already exists  
Copying blob 188d128a188c skipped: already exists  
Copying blob bcc6856722b7 skipped: already exists  
Copying blob 61a7fb4dabcd skipped: already exists  
Copying blob ac2362e4fff8 done  
Copying config 82e9a322ca done  
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures

Check the status of the new image with the following command (Notice the localhost/nginx-template image):
					$ sudo podman images

					REPOSITORY                  TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED             SIZE
localhost/nginx-template    latest      82e9a322cadb  About a minute ago  596 MB     latest      e4720093a3c1  9 days ago          191 MB  2           a8781fe3b7a2  3 weeks ago         26 MB
Now, let’s tag the image and upload it to the locally hosted registry.
					sudo podman tag localhost/nginx-template localhost:5000/nginx-template

Run the sudo podman ps command again (Notice the localhost:5000/nginx-template image):
					$ sudo podman images

					REPOSITORY                     TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED         SIZE
localhost/nginx-template       latest      82e9a322cadb  12 minutes ago  596 MB
localhost:5000/nginx-template  latest      82e9a322cadb  12 minutes ago  596 MB        latest      e4720093a3c1  9 days ago      191 MB     2           a8781fe3b7a2  3 weeks ago     26 MB
Host Your Own Podman Registry - Registry URL at localhost

Photo by admingeek from Infotechys


Well done! You’ve successfully set up your personal Podman registry, retrieved an NGINX image, customized it, tagged the modified version, and uploaded it to your local registry.

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