12 Best Practices for Organizing your Ansible Playbooks

organize your Ansible playbooks

In this blog post, we’ll explore 12 best practices to help you organize your Ansible playbooks for optimal performance and maintainability.

Table of Contents


Ansible has become a cornerstone in automating IT infrastructure and configuration management. While it offers a powerful and flexible automation framework, the effectiveness of your Ansible playbooks greatly depends on how well they are structured. Let’s go over some ways to improve it!

Organize your Ansible Playbooks: 12 Best Practices

The following 12 best practice examples will enhance the structure and efficiency of your playbooks:

Use Descriptive Names for Playbooks and Roles

Choose meaningful and descriptive names for your playbooks and roles. This makes it easier for your team to understand the purpose of each playbook and role, especially as your automation projects grow.

					# playbook: deploy_web_app.yml
# role: configure_nginx

Organize Your Playbooks and Roles Hierarchically

Create a logical hierarchy for your playbooks and roles. This helps in better organization, especially when dealing with multiple projects or environments.

					- production/
  - web_app/
    - deploy_web_app.yml
    - roles/
      - configure_nginx/
      - setup_database/


Separate Variables and Secrets

Store sensitive information such as passwords and API keys in separate variable files or use Ansible Vault to encrypt sensitive data. This ensures that your playbooks can be shared without compromising security.

					# vars/secrets.yml
database_password: "secure_password"

# playbook.yml
- hosts: web_servers
    - vars/secrets.yml
    - setup_database


Document Your Playbooks and Roles

Include comprehensive comments and documentation within your playbooks and roles. This not only helps your team understand the purpose and functionality but also serves as a reference for future updates.

					# playbook.yml
# This playbook deploys a web application and configures the server.
- hosts: web_servers
    - deploy_web_app
    - configure_nginx


Modularize Roles

Break down complex tasks into smaller, reusable roles. This promotes code reusability and simplifies the maintenance of your playbooks.

					- roles/
  - common/
    - tasks/
      - main.yml
  - configure_nginx/
    - tasks/
      - main.yml
  - setup_database/
    - tasks/
      - main.yml


Use Ansible Galaxy Roles

Leverage Ansible Galaxy roles for common tasks and configurations. This allows you to tap into a vast community-driven repository of roles, saving time and effort.

					# playbook.yml
- hosts: web_servers
    - geerlingguy.nginx
    - dj-wasabi.postgresql


Validate Playbooks with ansible-lint

Use ansible-lint to ensure your playbooks adhere to best practices and are free of syntax errors. This helps catch potential issues early in the development process.

					$ ansible-lint playbook.yml

Version Control Your Playbooks

Store your playbooks and roles in a version control system like Git. This allows you to track changes, collaborate with teammates, and roll back to previous versions if needed.

					$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"

Test Playbooks in a Controlled Environment

Before deploying to production, test your playbooks in a controlled environment to catch any unforeseen issues. This could be achieved using tools like Vagrant or Docker.

					$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/testing playbook.yml


Use Tags for Selective Execution

Utilize tags to selectively execute specific tasks or roles within a playbook. This is particularly helpful during development and debugging.

					# playbook.yml
- hosts: web_servers
    - name: Install web server
        name: nginx
        state: present
        - install_nginx


Monitor and Log Execution

Integrate logging and monitoring into your playbooks to track the execution and identify any potential issues.

					# playbook.yml
- hosts: web_servers
    - name: Install web server
        name: nginx
        state: present
        - restart nginx
    - name: restart nginx
        name: nginx
        state: restarted

Regularly Update Ansible and Roles

Keep Ansible and your roles up-to-date to benefit from the latest features, bug fixes, and security patches.

					$ ansible-galaxy install --force -r requirements.yml


By following these 12 best practices, you can ensure that your Ansible playbooks are well-organized, maintainable, and efficient. This not only improves collaboration within your team but also sets the foundation for scalable and reliable automation processes.

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