Write a play that checks for the timezone of a system and outputs the results to a file

Checks Timezone Using Ansible

In this article, we will review how we can automate a task that checks the timezone using Ansible, offering a detailed walkthrough of the steps involved in automating the verification and configuration of time zones across target machines.

Table of Contents


Welcome to our latest blog post, where we delve into the world of automation with Ansible. In this article, our focus is on a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of system configuration – timezone management. We’ll walk you through the process of performing a task that checks and configures timezones using Ansible. Automation not only simplifies these tasks but also ensures uniformity across your infrastructure.

What is Ansible?

Ansible, a powerful open-source automation tool, was created by Michael DeHaan, a former Red Hat employee. It was first released to the public in 2012 and quickly gained popularity for its simplicity and agentless architecture. The name “Ansible” is inspired by a fictional instantaneous communication system in science fiction.

One of Ansible’s distinctive features is its agentless nature, meaning it doesn’t require any software to be installed on the target systems. Instead, it communicates using SSH, making it lightweight and easy to deploy. This design choice contributed significantly to its rapid adoption in the DevOps community.

In 2015, Red Hat acquired Ansible Inc., further solidifying its position in the automation landscape. The tool continued to evolve, with regular updates and contributions from a thriving community of developers. Ansible’s playbooks, written in YAML, offer a human-readable way to describe automation tasks, making it accessible to both developers and system administrators.

Checks Timezone using Ansible

Photo by admingeek from Redhat

Checks Timezone using Ansible: Overview

Now, let’s explore a playbook (named tz_check.yaml) designed to verify your system’s timezone and output the result to a file. We’ll dissect each component of the playbook to gain a comprehensive understanding of its functionality.

Checks Timezone using Ansible: The Breakdown

The YAML file below is inherently clear for individuals acquainted with Ansible basics. Its purpose is to generate an output file (tzdata.out) in the /tmp directory of the executing machine or localhost. To guarantee an empty output file with each playbook run, the > redirection is employed instead of >>, which appends the file and retains existing contents. The playbook utilizes the lineinfile function to insert the hostname and timezone (both Ansible variables) into the tzdata.out file.

Now, let’s delve into the details of the playbook [tz_check.yaml].

- name: Check system timezone and output results to a file
  hosts: localhost
  become: true

  # Ready the output file
  - name: Initialize an output file [/tmp/tzdata.out] on localhost
    shell: echo "" > /tmp/tzdata.out
    run_once: yes
    delegate_to: localhost

  # Output hostname and corresponding timezone setting to a file
  - name: Insert hostname and timezone information into output file
      path: /tmp/tzdata.out
      line: 'Hostname: {{ ansible_fqdn }} || Timezone: {{ ansible_date_time.tz }}'
      insertbefore: BOF
    delegate_to: localhost


As depicted above, crafting this playbook is a straightforward task, achievable in less than 20 lines of code.

  • Upon execution, a file called tzdata.out will be created under the /tmp directory of the localhost (where you are running the play from).
  • Then, pre-defined ansible functions like ansible_fqdn and ansible_date_time are called to display the fully-qualified domain name (localhost.localdomain in this case) and the current timezone of the machine (EDT, CDT, UTC, GMT, etc).
  • The ansible module lineinfile: will allow us to place the results of those two pre-defined functions into the tzdata.out file.

Executing the playbook

Run the following command to run the playbook:

					[admin@localhost ~]$ ansible-playbook tz_checks.yaml

NOTE: Since we are executing this playbook on our local machine, it is not mandatory to supply an inventory file for Ansible reference. Upon reviewing the output below, it is evident that Ansible issues a warning alerting us to the absence of an inventory file.

					[WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all'

PLAY [Check system timezone and output results to a file] **********************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Initialize an output file [/tmp/tzdata.out] on localhost] ****************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [Insert hostname and timezone information into output file] ***************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   


As shown above, the playbook executed seamlessly. The subsequent output displays the content of the tzdata.out file.

					[admin@localhost ~]$ cat /tmp/tzdata.out
Hostname: localhost.localdomain || Timezone: UTC



In this article, we explored the creation of a playbook designed to verify a machine’s timezone and capture the results in a file. We value your feedback, so whether this article proved helpful or not, we encourage you to share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment below. Your insights help us tailor our content to better meet your needs and ensure that our future articles align with your expectations.

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