Basic mkdir command examples in Linux

In this article, we’ll cover the mkdir command, which stands for make directories, and review basic mkdir command examples. Table of Contents Introduction David Mackenzie authored the mkdir command found in the GNU coreutils package, as documented in the Linux Manual pages. This command, originating in the 1970s, has become ubiquitous across various operating systems, […]
Write a play automating changes to the SSHD Configuration file

In today’s Ansible series, we will learn about automating changes using Ansible. Specifically, we will automate changes to the sshd config file. Table of Contents Introduction In this exercise, we will examine a playbook that automates a config change (resolves common SSH vulnerabilities) and …specifically makes a change to the sshd (sshd_config) configuration file on […]
How To Resolve SSH Weak Key Exchange Algorithms on CentOS7 or RHEL7

In this article, we will discuss SSH Weak Key Exchange Algorithms and how we can resolve them to enhance the security of SSH connections and protect against potential vulnerabilities and unauthorized access. Table of Contents Introduction On October 13, 2021, Tenable published the following SSH Vulnerability: SSH weak key exchange algorithms enabled giving it a low severity […]
RHEL6: End of Life (EOL)

This article outlines the significance of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 6.X reaching its end-of-life Maintenance II support phase on November 30, 2020, urging users to consider upgrading to RHEL7 or RHEL8.4 to ensure continued technical support and security, while also providing insights into RHEL’s life-cycle phases and support options. Table of Contents Introduction […]